The Brazilian
Sign Language Dictionary
Funding, Credits & Table
of Contents
Funding & Support
The trilingual illustrated encyclopedic dictionary of Brazilian
Sign Language was made possible by the generous support of Brasil
Telecom (telecommunication company) Fundacao Vitae (Vitae Foundation),
FAPESP (Sao Paulo State Research Foundation) and FENEIS (National
Federation of Education and Integration of the Deaf).
The Brazilian Sign Language Dictionary
Written, illustrated and edited
by a team of educators,
researchers, interpreters, SignWriters, and Deaf consultants!


Dr. Fernando Capovilla
Professor Fernando Capovilla, from
the Experimental Cognitive Neuropsycholinguistics Laboratory
of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Sao Paulo
(USP), has been working for the last ten years with children
with severe communication and language handicaps resulting from
neurological impairments of a sensory-motor or central-cognitive
nature. He and his student co-workers have created more than
one hundred software systems devoted to diagnosing and treating
language and communication impairments in children and adults.
Capovilla obtained his Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from
Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, in 1989,
and has been elected (1996-2000) president of the Brazilian Chapter
of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative
Communication, an international organization devoted to helping
people with severe language and communication impairments. |
Walkiria Duarte Raphael |
Co-author of the book "Illustrated
Manual of Signs and Systems of Communication of the Deaf",
Walkiria Raphael has worked at the University of Sao Paulo in
the Department of Experimental Psychology for several years,
specifically with Deaf people and Brazilian Sign Language. As
the co-editor of the Brazilian Sign Language Dictionary, Ms.
Raphael supervised the teams of people working on the project. |
Contributing Author
Renato D. Luz |
Renato Dente Luz is a psychologist
and a graduate student in the Laboratory of Experimental Cognitive
Neuropsycholinguistics, Institute of Psychology, at the University
of Sao Paulo (USP). Over the last three years, he has been thoroughly
devoted to research on Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and practice
with Deaf people in Libras. He is a contributing author of the
Brazilian Sign Language Dictionary. |
Brazilian Sign Language Dictionary
Contributing Authors
Antonio Campos de Abreu
Director and President, FENEIS
Brazilian National Federation of the Deaf
Silvana Marques
Sign Language Illustrations
Eduardo Sabanovaite
Coordinator of the National Courses
on Brazilian Sign Language
Oliver Sacks
Neurologist & Writer
Inventor, SignWriting
Sutton Movement Writing
SignWriting Team at the
University of Sao Paulo:
Keila Q.F. Viggiano
Sylvia Lia G. Neves
Aline C. Mauricio
Ricardo de S. Vieira

& Sponsors |
Authors |
Volume One: |
ISBN: 85-314-0600-5 |
Volume Two: |
ISBN: 85-314-0603-X |
The Brazilian Sign Language
A Two-Volume
on Brazilian Sign Language
For Information, write to: |
Dr. Fernando Capovilla,
Email: |
To Purchase
in Brazil

Contact the Library of the Psychology Institute - University
of São Paulo |
Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação
do Instituto de Psicologia da USP
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 1721,
São Paulo, SP, 05508-900, Brazil
Fax (11) 3818-4392
Telephone: (11) 3818-4300
or (11) 3818-4392 |
To Purchase Outside Brazil

Contact the University of
São Paulo Publishing House |
Editora da Universidade de São
Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto,
Travessa J. 374, 6 andar - Ed. da Antiga Reitoria - Cidade Universitaria
05508-900, Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil
Fax: (11) 3818-4151
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