of SignWriting |
2: SignWriting
Early Years in Denmark
- 1978
In 1974, Lars von der Lieth, and his
research team at the University of Copenhagen,
needed a way to record signs and gestures.
They asked Sutton to record the movements
from videotape. This was the beginning
of SignWriting.
course, SignWriting did not look the
same then. Now, in 2007, SignWriting
has been tested and used by groups of
people. The system improved through
years of changes. But back in 1974,
SignWriting was basically DanceWriting
from the waist up, with a few differences.
Below are some of the highlights of
that time period...
Fall, 1974
SignWriting First Invented In Denmark
Developed for research use at the University
of Copenhagen by Valerie Sutton, at the
request of researcher Lars von der Lieth,
Jan Enggaard Pedersen, and others on the research
team, at the Audiologopædisk Forskningsgruppe
at the University of Copenhagen.
Fall, 1975
Examples of Notation of a South Pacific
Sign Language
This booklet recorded mime-like gestures
and home signs of a lone Deaf man, based
on research by Rolf Kuschel. It included
pictures with SignWriting illustrations.
No longer in print.
Fall, 1976
Examples of Notation of Danish Deaf Sign
This booklet showed Sutton's first attempts
at recording Danish Sign Language in 1974,
1975 and 1976. It is no longer in print.
As you can see by the example below, a stick
figure drawing, with shoulders, arms and
hands recorded movement from left to right
on the page, position by position. The sentence
below says "It is father."

Spring, 1978
Hørende Danskeres Gestus-Repertoire
(Hearing Danes' Gesture-Repertoire)
by Jan Enggaard Pedersen. This published research
used SignWriting to record hearing person's
gestures. The research was conducted at
the Audiologopædisk Forskningsgruppe,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
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