Ingvild Roald
Research Fellow
University of Bergen
Employed by
Vestlandet Resource
Center for Deaf Education,
Bergen, Norway

When the first classes of Norwegian Deaf students in Upper
Secondary School took physics as their major,no terminology for
the more advanced physical concepts existed in Norwegian Sign
Language (NSL). This is a description of the process to arrive
at a working terminology. The considerations that were taken
into account are discussed. Some examples of the resulting terminology
are given in the text. A dictionary of the terms is attached.

Languages in different forms and for different uses
Our everyday world we know about, and we can talk about it
in everyday words. Where these words came from is a philological
question and will not be dealt with here.
But we all know that new words emerge, out of various subcultures
like the teenagers, or out of the need of a group to talk about
new things. Computer words are new in all languages, as computers
are a new phenomenon. When words for such new concepts are developed
in one language, they often will drift over to other languages.
This is a phenomenon we see quite clearly today in the computer
related words used in Norway, which most often are the English
words with a more-or-less Norwegian pronunciation. But attempts
have been made to make Norwegian terms for these words, and some
of these are in use. When Norway struck oil in the early
1970s, there was no terminology available in Norwegian for the
technology. A project was set up to develop this terminology,
and to make it as easily understandable and as Norwegian as possible
(Rangnes 1996). That this is a phenomenon that occurs regularly
is seen in this quotation from Pitch and Draskau (1985) p. 17:
LSP {=Language for Special Purposes} planning is directed towards
the development of terminologies which do not yet exist in the
language in question, for example many African and other languages:
Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, etc., need to develop terminologies in
order to be able to communicate in their own language within
a special field of knowledge.' |